January 26, 2011

Please share this blog with your friends/families in GK District

GK PTO's next meeting is Thursday February 24th, 2011 6:30 PM in the middle school library. Please attend and bring a friend. 

We are collecting Box Tops, Kemps Milk Caps, Campbell Soup labels and My Coke Rewards.  Each of these programs helps us to provide funding and equipment to our schools and also allowing our children to experience more field trips and fun days at school.

Our PTO has Market Day Grocery (Feb sale orders are due 2/14/11)  GK has been in a partnership with Market Day since 1989 and has earned profits greater then $131,000.00!!  Please consider making a purchase... most importantly you can pay at the sale, online or pay by IL. Link card.

February is Market Day Cookie Dough Bonus Days.. the more we sell the more we make!  So please call up the neighbors and ask them if they would be interested in buying a box of Market Day Cookie dough this month.  The dough is pre-portioned & ready to use.. just pop them in the oven and 15 min later you have nice warm cookies!  Online orders by 2/14 with delivery on 2/17 @ 4:00-5:00